
Latest News

  • TRUE LIFE: My battle with food, body image and self worth

    Body image is something I’ve always struggled with. Whether or not that’s the acceptance of others or just accepting myself. But spending 18 years of my life overweight might be something to do with that. Read more

  • Turbo-charge your mental health

    There's more to caring for your mind than antidepressants and talk therapy. Read more

  • Therapy and me

    I was no stranger to the idea of therapy. One of my closest friends has been in therapy for years, and I’d always admired her ability to articulate her feelings and emotions with other people. Read more

Support groups

  • Being Queer & Disability

    As we get older, having a difference of ability, we may experience more barriers. Let’s talk about what barriers there are and what other doors open to us as we get older. Read more

  • Summer Holidays and travelling

    Let's talk about our summer holidays and travel stories. Perhaps places we have been to or want to visit, again. Read more

  • Exploring Intimacy

    Let’s explore intimacy. We will be having an supportive conversation around what intimacy means to us and look at the different types of intimacy. Read more


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