Team The Bitten Peach are gearing up to compete this Sports Day and they need your help to reach their fundraising target! 

The money raised goes to LGBT HERO in support of mental health and wellbeing services. 

Competing this year are: Karen, Louise, Nilly, Rachel, Kim, Dev, Duane (some providing cheerleading support!)

We want to fundraise for mental health and wellbeing services and help raise awareness within the Queer Asian community. After what continues to be a difficult time for everyone in the performing arts and cabaret industries, we intend to take this opportunity to champion, amplify, and support positive mental health and well-being for all, but especially for LGBTQIA+ Asians who are some of the most marginalised and discriminated against in society. 

By physically participating in the Sports Day activities, we bring much needed queer Asian representation to the forefront by celebrating all of our glorious intersectional identities and backgrounds. Not to forget the extraordinary range of talent that we are excited to showcase with jubilance!

Finally, given our association with and love for the RVT, this is a wonderful way to come together in solidarity, as a community, for a good cause that will undoubtedly impact the lives of so many!

The Bitten Peach is The UK’s Queer Pan-Asian cabaret collective! 🍑🎉