Why we do what we do Why do we need LGBT+ services? Recent research suggests that LGBT+ people are more likely to use services that are aimed at them with imagery and language that represents them. LGBT+ people are also more likely to trust the information that is provided to them if they know that to comes from their peers. We asked some of the LGBT+ people who responded to our survey why they use OutLife over general or other services. Jake a 21 year old Trans Man told us: "As a trans gay man it can be difficult to find information and advice. Many times I have to site hop and even at that the quality of advice is not the best. So to have someone where everything is together is really helpful. I can see lots of trans people using OutLife." Isabella, a 16 year old Lesbian said: "I find it very difficult to find information about sex for lesbians. Many times when I search for it online I get lesbian porn. To have a site I know I can go to and trust would be amazing. I just want to talk with others like me about the issues I go through" Ben, a 22 year old gay man told us: "I've gone through periods in my life where I tried to take my life before of being bullied because of my sexuality. I tried going on forums on youth sites but many of the times the people responding to me are straight and just don't get it. We need sites like Out Life that are run by people like us so we can help and support one another." Tina, a 16 year old trans woman said: "Before I transitioned I tried to kill myself so many times. I didn't want to be trans. I wish OutLife was there for me back then. Maybe it would have made life a little easier." Simon, a 25 year old gay man told us: "I have mental health issues, I suffer bouts of depression from time to time. I find it difficult to talk to my friends about it. Reading stories from other people helps me. I would also love to talk to someone, even if they are just like me, from time to time without feeling guilting about burdening my friends about my issues. A support forum on OutLife would be amazing." Patrick a 29 year old gay man said: "I got married a couple of years ago. About a year into the marriage things started to get rocky. I suddenly realised that I had no support network of people. My straight friends couldn't really relate to my marriage. When I went looking to talk to someone about my problems in my marriage there was little or no support services aimed at gay people. I think if OutLife could give some basic advice for LGBT people about marriage and divorce that would be wonderful." If you would like to talk to someone from OutLife, email us on [email protected]. OutLife's supporters: The majority of OutLife is funded through community donations, however we are thankful to our supporters. Without them OutLife wouldn't exist. Out current supporters are: The Big Lottery Fund provided OutLife with support to create an LGBT+ image bank that we use to make sure the content on OutLife is representative of our community. The City Bridge Trust provides OutLife with support for our help and support hub due to launch in September 2019. Manage Cookie Preferences