Later this year OutLife will be running an online anti-LGBTQ+ hate crime campaign, and we need your help.

Our work is directly informed by the community - it's made by you, for you, and this latest campaign is no exception. We're looking for a small group of LGBTQ+ volunteers to participate in a focus group that will help shape the messaging of our campaign, and much more.

Volunteers should:

  • Be LGBTQ+
  • Have experienced a hate crime
  • Be available for one or two Zoom meetings in July

If you think this sounds like you, send an email to [email protected] titled "Hate Crime Focus Group", with a little information about yourself including your age, gender, sexual identity, and why you'd like to participate.

For your time you will be reimbursed with an Amazon voucher worth £20.

Hate crimes against minority groups are on the rise, and public-facing campaigns are an essential ingredient in the fightback against LGBTQ+ violence and abuse. By taking part you'll be helping out the community, and you might even make a few friends.

If you'd just like more information, then please don't hesitate to contact us on the email address above.