Health and Life Mental health General wellbeing #WorldMentalHealthDay2021 - get your Mind Plan This #WorldMentalHealthDay our community is staring at a mental health crisis. LGBTQ+ people face massive health inequalities: we're more likely to experience depression, anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders, and suicidal thoughts alongside a huge number of other mental health disorders. This is true during normal circumstances, but the past 18 months have driven those inequalities even deeper. COVID-19, and the necessary restrictions that have followed, have brought about incredibly challenging times for queer people, especially the young and most marginalised within our community. Our One Year On survey earlier this year, which surveyed over 2300 queer people in the UK produced a stark picture of how coronavirus has affected us. So in addition to the many resources on our site, and links to excellent partners, we'd encourage everyone to try the NHS Mind Plan this World Mental Health Day, which provides a variety of simple tips that shows there are little things we can all do to look after our mental health. You can try the Mind Plan quiz below. It showcases simple practical tips from sufferers and videos from experts on dealing with COVID-19, stress and anxiety, boosting your mood, sleeping better and what you can do to help others. We understand that this won't be for everyone, as for many LGBTQ+ people, mental health problems can become severe, but the Mind Plan from the NHS provides practical, everyday advice to boost your wellbeing. If you're experiencing a crisis, or are looking to speak to another LGBTQ+ person, we suggest you try looking at our Find Support page, which is filled with helplines, text chat, and other services specifically tailored to help LGBTQ+ people. Manage Cookie Preferences