GMFA is the sexual wellbeing project for gay, bi and trans men brought to you by LGBT HERO. GMFA offers trusted information, advice and support for gay, bi and trans men who have sex with men on all things sex, sexual health, HIV prevention and living with HIV while dealing with issues such as chemsex and general wellbeing. 

  • GMFA receives over 60,00 hits a month from gay and bisexual men looking looking for quality and trusted information and advice about HIV, STIs, living with HIV and support services.
  • We signpost thousands of gay and bisexual men to sexual health and mental health services every year.
  • GMFA's campaigns, which include Me. Him. Us. and The Undetectables reach over 2 million people a year.
  • GMFA's gay men's health magazine, FS has over 125,000 readers per issue.
  • GMFA provides free online peer-support groups for gay and bisexual men used by over 500 men a year. 
  • And GMFA provides a social space for gay and bisexual men living with HIV called The Positive Pub Crawl

However, LGBT HERO currently receive no financial support from local or national Government sources to run the GMFA project. We rely on the support and generosity of you - the LGBTQ+ community to keep the work we do through GMFA going.

Your support is vital in enabling us to continue providing gay, bisexual and trans men with the information they need to live happy, healthier lives. To provide HIV prevention information, to tackle HIV stigma and to work towards fighting health inequalities that gay and bisexual men face. 

All donations made to GMFA are assigned to a fund for Gay, bisexual and trans men who have sex with men that allows GMFA to continue to support these men with trusted information, advice, support and campaigns. 


LGBT HERO is the national health and wellbeing charity for LGBTQ+ people supporting our community to lead happier, healthier lives.

LGBT HERO aims to improve the health, enhance the wellbeing and champion the rights of LGBTQ+ people. LGBT HERO provides LGBTQ+ people with accurate and credible information so they can build skills that enable them to make informed choices about their health and wellbeing. We encourage LGBTQ+ people to create social change in our communities by providing a platform where they are heard and valued. 

LGBT HERO wants to see a world where LGBTQ+ people have the same opportunities in life as all other people, and are not disadvantaged by health or social inequalities because of their sexuality or identity.

Other ways to donate:

Regular gift
By supporting LGBT HERO with a regular gift you’ll be ensuring that we can plan the work GMFA does into the future.

Call us on 020 7738 6872 to set up a regular donation, click the 'donate now' button above to set it up online, or download a standing order form.

The best way to help ensure the work of GMFA continues well into the future is by leaving us a gift in your will. A gift to LGBT HERO, no matter how big or small, can make a huge difference to ensuring that thousands more gay men can benefit from our work. 

If you wished to make a gift to a charity in your will, it would be sufficient to ask your solicitor to include and list the intended gift to the charity including the charity details in your will.
Here below are our details:

Health Equality and Rights Organisation t/a LGBT HERO
Unit 74 The Link,
49 Effra Road,
London SW2 1BZ

If you would like to contact us regarding donating through your will, please send an emailing to Massimo Mazzariol at [email protected].

By Post
If you'd rather not donate online you can always send us a cheque or postal order made payable to the Health Equality and Rights Organisation. Or you can download a standing order form.

If you are a UK Tax Payer please download and complete a GiftAid form to ensure your donation goes as far as possible.

Please post your donations to:


Unit 74, The Link

49 Effra Road


SW2 1 BZ

Gift Aid
If you’re a UK Taxpayer, don’t forget to complete a Gift Aid declaration. Under the Inland Revenue’s Gift Aid scheme, LGBT HERO is entitled to reclaim the tax made on gifts by UK taxpayers. This means that, if you are a UK taxpayer, your gift can increase by nearly a third – at no extra cost to you.

If you have any queries about donating please call Massimo Mazzariol, LGBT HERO's Finance Officer, on 020 7738 6872 or email [email protected].